
New ‘Affordable’ Housing Units Exceed County Goals

The pace of housing construction in unincorporated areas is proceeding as predicted, but the number of so-called affordable homes and apartments is ahead of county goals, according to a report submitted Tuesday to the Board of Supervisors.

Board Chairman Roger R. Stanton said the report, the latest annual update from the County Administrative Office, shows “the success of the county’s voluntary approach to affordable housing production.”

In 1979 the county began requiring developers in unincorporated areas to price 10% of the housing units in developments of five or more units so they could be rented or bought by people making 80% or less of the median income in the county. Another 10% had to be affordable to those making up to 100% of the median income, and 5% more to those making up to 120% of the median figure.


But in 1983 the supervisors began a three-year phase-out of the program. The builders of new developments of 30 or more units are now urged, but not required, to adhere to the same 25% target for the housing.

The median family income in the county is $43,264 a year, the report said.

The latest report said the county’s goal of 22,638 new housing units between July, 1983, and July, 1988, is likely to be met if the current building pace continues.

It said the five-year goal for affordable housing units, 5,660, had been exceeded by last January, when the total was 6,754 units.
