

People who plan to fly out of town for the Christmas holidays might do well to shop for airports. With some exceptions, local residents taking a plane from Los Angeles or Long Beach airports rather than from Orange County can save up to $382, depending on the destination

and whether the flight carries any restrictions. The fares are for departure on Dec. 20, returning Dec. 27. Two quotes are listed for each destination. The first quote is unrestricted coach, with some discount seats available. The second quote is with various restrictions applying.

American Airlines Sacramento St. Louis Washington D.C. Orange County $270 $650 $760 $238(c) $560(c) $620(c) Los Angeles $270 $358 $378 $238(c) $324(f) $248(f) Long Beach N/A $640 $700 N/A $458(c) $490(c) San Diego $280 $358 $398 $240(c) $324(f) $288(f) Ontario $310 $676 $438 $248(c) $534(c) $282(f) Continental Orange County N/A $678 $760 N/A $348(a) $318(a) Los Angeles N/A $358 $378 N/A $344(a) $374(a) Long Beach N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A San Diego N/A $358 $398 N/A $344(a) $318(a) Ontario N/A $678 $438 N/A $344(a) $374(a) Delta Orange County $254 $680 $1,024 $222(a) $288(a) $448(a) Los Angeles $270 $618 $670 $158(a) $284(a) $334(a) Long Beach N/A N/A $700(d) N/A N/A $324(a) San Diego $280 $656 $580(d) $198(a) $284(a) $298(a) Ontario $318 $676 $510(d) $238(a) $284(a) $302(a) United Orange County $260 $970 $984 $170(e) $765(a) $620(c) Los Angeles $270 $618 $1,090 $148(a) $488(a) $298(a) Long Beach N/A $684 $1,070 N/A $538(c) $780(c) San Diego $280 $484(d) $984 $240(c) $304(a) $313(a) Ontario $310 $676 $1,070 $138(f) $324(b) $509(c)


Notes: (a) Seven-day advance purchase required, 50% penalty applies on changes after purchase. (b) Seven-day advance purchase is required, 25% penalty applies on changes after purchasing. (c) Seven-day advance purchase is required, no penalties apply on changes after purchasing. (d) Unrestricted discount coach fares, a limited number of seats available on these flights. (e) 14-day advance purchase is required, 10% penalty applies on changes after purchase. (f) Totally non-refundable fares, no changes will be allowed after the purchasing of tickets. N/A Route not available.

All fares subject to change without notice, and price quotes subject to availability at time of purchase.
