
Highbrow Eyebrows

If you can’t be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this holiday season, at least be bright-eyebrowed. According to fashion mavens, blond, brown and brunette eyebrows are a thing of the past.

Jacki Sapon of Senna Cosmetiques in Encino brushes red powder or red mascara through her clients’ eyebrows. “It’s a young look,” she admits. “But it’s fun, it’s different. It’s very European.”

Brightly colored mascara is popular for that high-brow look, because it dries hard and “sets the eyebrow”--along with giving it some pow.


However, a new line of colorful eyebrow pencils will also help you get rid of that “how-now-brown-brow” look. Maybelline has recently introduced a Double Image Brow Color and Eyeliner Pencil with pencil tips on either end, one for lining your eyes, one for lining your eyebrows--and both brightly colored, of course.

If you want to join all the brow-ha-ha, you might also try continuing the glimmer from your gold eye shadow into your brows and on into your hairline. “It’s kind of a streamlined look,” chirps one young woman who wears this look to parties and refuses to be brow-beaten about it.

Another hipster, a blonde florist, who sometimes brushes green or blue mascara into her eyebrows for nights out at clubs, says the look raises few eyebrows. “These days, people are pretty used to something different and colorful,” she says.
