
Local News in Brief : Bradley Aide Has Stroke

Samuel L. Williams, one of Mayor Tom Bradley’s closest political advisers and among the state’s most prominent black attorneys, suffered a mild stroke over the weekend, it was learned Wednesday.

Williams, 54, was reported in stable condition at St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, where he was taken Sunday morning from his nearby Los Angeles home, according to hospital administrator Patty Mayberry.

Attorney Patricia Phillips, Williams’ partner in the prestigious law firm of Hufstedler, Miller, Carlson & Beardsley, said that Williams “suffered a slight stroke. . . . I expect he will recover completely.” Phillips said that Williams is alert but suffered some paralysis on his left side.


Phillips added that Williams is not seeing many visitors, but on Monday he was visited briefly by Bradley.

In addition to his close political affiliation with the mayor, Williams has served for 14 years as one of Bradley’s appointees on the Los Angeles Police Commission.
