

In a recent letter (Nov. 30) Margaret Mayotte of Glendale writes about the sexual harassment women have suffered at the Los Angeles Police Department. At the end of the letter she states “We don’t need such people (i.e. ‘juvenile, insensitive macho creatures’) representing our LAPD. Let them find a job where their jokes and digs may be appreciated--digging ditches in Iceland.”

This statement reflects a similar kind of ignorance and prejudice that Mayotte is accusing these “macho creatures” for holding. If she had done her homework she would have found out that these men should be sent to Iceland not to enjoy their negative attitudes towards women, but to learn that men no longer can treat women as inferior human beings.

Iceland has one of the most progressive feminist movements in the Western world. It has fought for many changes and won many difficult battles on behalf of women. It has its own feminist political party (the only one in the world) that in the last elections, held this year, doubled its following. The old male-dominated parties afraid of losing their votes to the feminist party (they have indeed done so) have also increased the number of women in leadership roles.


The Icelandic feminists would without doubt be able to teach the L.A. police officers that woman are just as capable as men in every way--except perhaps in digging ditches.


