
Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’

Hooray for The Times! Thank you for publishing excerpts from Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s new book (Op-Ed Page, Nov. 29-Dec. 2). This man is a level-headed, clear thinking, adroit politician. His balanced, focused essays and open, positive manner should be an inspiration to all Americans. His thinking is indeed “new thinking” for the world because he deals in realities yet maintains a style of mutual trust and forbearance.

Viewed objectively, this energetic leader can teach us all a great deal about living into the 21st Century. The thinking of our leaders seems antiquated and jingoistic by comparison. If he is to be silenced in Congress, then it is fortunate he still has a place to be “heard” in your paper. His is the voice of reason, the voice of calm, the voice of peace. A voice of which no American can afford to be fearful.


Redondo Beach
