
Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’

In response to Gorbachev (“No Place for Chauvinism in U.S.-Soviet Relations, “ Dec. 1):

Gorbachev’s “new thinking” about Soviet-U.S. relations deserves attention. He is obviously correct when he observes that U.S.-Soviet relations have been “slipping downhill” and that “we must look for ways to improve” that situation. It is also true that the American media presents a “mostly negative” portrayal of Soviet internal affairs.

However, Gorbachev appears to be grossly misinformed when he states that “the Soviet Union has no propaganda . . . toward Americans . . . in our country you won’t find this anywhere . . . “ I suggest that he read International Affairs: A Monthly Journal of Political Analysis published in English by the USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs--in Moscow. If he is “prepared to do everything to bring about changes for the better” he should have a chat with the editors.


Santa Barbara
