
Scooter Woes

The San Dieguito teen-agers who evade the law by riding scooters without class IV permits are not alone. This is a national dilemma which includes teen-agers and adults driving cars and motorcycles every day without proper qualifications.

When will these unlicensed drivers realize that they cannot hide from “the cops” forever? If they are such confident drivers, they should have no problems passing the driving test. If they are not such wonderful drivers, they shouldn’t be out on the road endangering other drivers and placing an unnecessary burden on the police force.

Maybe there should be stiffer penalties on offenders, so that teen-agers will be more inclined to abide by the law. Then they will have grown more responsible by the time they are old enough to vote. (Impounding a vehicle is ineffective to someone whose parents will only buy him a new one.)



San Diego
