
Spending the State Tax Rebates

A state tax rebate that is enough to cover the cost of a dinner at a modest restaurant for my wife and me is on its way to my mailbox, courtesy of Gov. George Deukmejian. One might expect me to be pleased, but I am not. Instead I am hopping mad.

The return of a paltry few dollars will be of trivial value to the average taxpayer. But what a difference those millions of dollars could have made in addressing our state’s pressing problems. That money could have been spent seeking a cure for AIDS, or providing services for those that have contracted the disease. It could have been spent helping to provide shelter for our growing homeless population, or improving the education we provide our state’s children.

When my rebate arrives in the mail, I will have to decide whether to contribute it to a local school or a charitable organization that provides help to those who are most in need. I guess that dinner will just have to wait.



West Hollywood
