
Here’s how newspapers around the world announced the news of Trump’s victory

“SHOCK,” read the front page of a newspaper in Sweden. “YOU’RE HIRED!” read one in Canada. As the world awoke to news that Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States, international newspapers reacted with a combination of horror, surprise and journalistic puckishness.

Some foreign-language publications found that the news could best be expressed in English. Some fell back on puns (“Trumped”), references to Trump’s reality TV background or earthquake metaphors, a common theme in Latin America.

For much of the world, Wednesday’s print newspapers brought no news of Trump’s election, which was not final until long after deadlines in many places. But websites picked up the slack.

With some help from the daily front-page archive at the Newseum, the newspaper museum in Washington, here is a sampling of headlines from around the world.

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AUSTRALIA: The Sydney Morning Herald sees a revolution

CANADA: The Calgary Sun goes with an “Apprentice” reference

CANADA: The French-language Journal de Quebec needs English to express its shock

CANADA: The Globe and Mail, the Toronto-based national newspaper, sees a squinty-eyed leader

CHILE: The Spanish-language Las Ultimas Noticias of Santiago tries a metaphor in English

JAMAICA: The Daily Observer of Kingston puts the emphasis on Clinton’s loss

MEXICO: Excelsior of Mexico City: “The shaking begins!”

New Zealand: The New Zealand Herald in Auckland published this exhortation in vain before the results were known

SPAIN: The Catalan-language Ara, from Barcelona — “Earthquake TRUMP”

SWEDEN: Expressen of Stockholm — “SHOCK: Trump shook the world this morning”

RUSSIA: From the website of the English-language Moscow Times

URUGUAY: El Pais of Montevideo — “He breaks all the predictions and wins the election: EARTHQUAKE TRUMP”

YEMEN: From, an online news site -- “America launches the age of craziness: Trump is president of the United States and Saudi Arabia should prepare for the worst”


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