
Bill Cosby’s fans and foes take to social media after assault charge

News that Bill Cosby has been charged with assault quickly spread through social media Wednesday morning, with defenders criticizing media coverage and Cosby critics welcoming prosecutors' announcement with the reaction of "finally."

The charges are related to ex-Temple University employee Andrea Constand's allegations that Cosby sexually assaulted her after drugging her at his Pennsylvania home in January 2004. The move follows dozens of similar allegations in the last year.

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Some on social media called for President Obama to revoke Cosby's Presidential Medal of Freedom, which was awarded in 2002. Here's a sampling of other comments:

"They indicted bill Cosby on hearsay but got murders on camera no indictment what a surprise," wrote Facebook user Dimeco Hicks, seemingly in reference to recent shootings of black men by white police officers.

FULL COVERAGE: Bill Cosby sex assault allegations and charges >>

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Read the criminal complaint against Bill Cosby

Could L.A. be next place where Bill Cosby faces assault charges?

Bill Cosby: A 50-year chronicle of accusations and accomplishments
